Morning routines - Do they have an impact on our quality of life ?

Morning routine habits do have a huge impact on our lifes. Everyone gets the day started on a different way. But what's the best morning routine and why is it important to get the day started the right way!? 

Whenever you are a morning person or a night owl. At some point everyone of us has to start the day. Some of us do have a strict morning routine with fixed procedures. Some of us do not have a morning routine and rely on their every day mood. I personally do have one. It helps me to start the day the right way and furthermore it helps to get more stuff done. Some of us wake up and check their social media, emails, messages or notifications. Some of us read a book in bed before they get up. Some are skyrocketing immediately out of bed and hop in the shower. But which morning routine might be the best? 

I think everyone is different. There is no "perfect" universal routine for everyone. It took me a while to figure out what's the best for me. But it seems that a lot of successful people do have well defined morning routines. They all do have one thing in common: Getting up early. Like Richard Branson once said: "I have always been an early riser. Over my 50 years in business I have learned that if I rise early I can achieve so much more in a day, and therefore in life". And we all know what this guy has achieved in life.

This statement made me think and it makes so much sense. So how does my morning routine look like?     
My personal morning routine starts the day before. I do write down what's most important the following day. I try to prioritize my tasks. I strive to visualize it on a piece of paper, which is the first thing I get to see the next morning. I get up between 6 am and 7 am. It feels good to get up early and get things done. The first should be a big sip of clear tab water. Drinking water in the morning apparently helps you feel more alert, rehydrates your body and kickstarts your metabolism. After that I do make my bed. It is a psychological thing with a huge impact. I usually eat a banana and prepare myself for a 20 minute-run on Bondi Beach. On the way back I do some workout at the outdoor gym and head back home. I do have a coffee or ginger tea (kicks off your blood circulation very well) and jump in the shower. After it is time for a good proper breaksfast. I strive to have a distraction-free breakfast. No phone, no TV, no radio. It's the most important meal of the day. It provides us with the necessary power that we need to get through the day. I jump in the bus and make my way down to work. I try to take advantage of my spare time in the bus and keep listening to my favorite podcasts. Now it's the time to check messages, Instagram, emails and so on.
Once at work I do have a look at my most important tasks and hit them immediately. Eat the big frog in the morning and the day is already yours!

That's pretty much it Guys. It's no rocket science. It's all about the right motivation and mindset. I am sure, sticking to a routine brings you to some clarity of thought, a positive mindset and successful results.

At the very end I'd like to give you guys some tips which had the highest impact on my morning routine. 
  • Avoid hitting the snooze button. 
As soon as your alarm goes off, switch it off and get out of bed. Show your inner self that you want to kick this day off the right way. If willpower is a bit of an issue place your alarm on the other side of your room.
  • Let sunshine brighten up your day. 
I've noticed that it's way easier to get up when you do not have to stumble around in the dark. Make sure the sun is able to shine in your room - say hi to the day and welcome it with a massive stretch. 
  • Wait until you're showered, dressed and groomed before you turn on your smartphone. 
Bathe, get dressed and ready before you even think about to switch your smartphone on. You will be fully ready to tackle the day ahead versus fiddling around with your phone in pajamas. 
  • Do some meditation or sports in the morning to froth your body up for the day
Your body needs to get out of the sleep mode and definitely needs some physical action. Make sure you are going to be active for at least 10 minutes every morning. Furthermore meditation is very helpful to keep your mind on track and prepare for the day. There are several apps available if you're not sure how to meditate.

Does this all make sense? Well, it works out for me. 
How does your morning routine look like guys? Do you even have one? Please feel free to share your experiences in the comment box. We can all learn from each other. 


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